
Meaning of Seventh House in Astrology: Significance and Connotations

The natal chart in astrology is further divided into twelve houses representing diverse aspects of life. Among these, the seventh house is often called the “House of Partnerships.” It plays a great role in shaping our relations with others and our associations with them.

Meaning of Seventh House in Astrology: Significance and Connotations

What is the Seventh House?

The seventh house is traditionally ascribed to the zodiac sign Libra and is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This house governs all forms of partnerships, including marriage, business collaborations, and close personal relationships. It reflects how we relate to others, our approach to commitment, and our capacity for cooperation. 

Key Aspects Governed by the Seventh House:

Meaning of Seventh House in Astrology: Significance and Connotations

Marriage and Long-Term Partnerships: This house reveals the dynamics of our most significant relationships, highlighting the qualities we seek in a partner and the nature of our commitments.

Business Partnerships: It also influences our professional collaborations, indicating how we engage in joint ventures and the potential for success in such endeavors.

Open Enemies: Curiously, the seventh house can also enlighten us about enemies, where we can see the battles and how we cope with opposition.

Interpreting an Empty Seventh House:

Meaning of Seventh House in Astrology: Significance and Connotations

An empty seventh house doesn’t mean that we are lacking in influence in these areas. It rather says that the themes of this house may not be very strong in the individual’s life. Absence of planets here can suggest that the native may not be exposed to significant lessons or challenges within partnerships. The sign in the cusp of the seventh house and the aspects formed to it are still valid for providing useful information related to the native’s attitudes toward relationships. 

Locating the Seventh House in Your Birth Chart:

Meaning of Seventh House in Astrology: Significance and Connotations

Identify the Ascendant (Rising Sign): This is the zodiac sign which was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.

Locate the Seventh House: The seventh house is directly opposite the first house (Ascendant) and is located on the western horizon.

Analyze the Seventh House : Look for any planets situated in this house, sign on the cusp and any aspects to the seventh house which can give important insights regarding your relationship scenario.


The seventh house is a house that teaches us much about our connections and how we connect to others. Even when it’s empty of planets, learning about this house can assist us in getting through relationships better and fostering healthier connections.